34 Peabody Street

21 apartments
100% affordable
In Development

One of two new buildings as part of The Lighthouses project, 34 Peabody Street site, located across from the new Salem Harbor Walk, will be a 21-unit family housing development with 800 sf of Commercial Space. This development will enhance the usage of the Peabody Street Pocket Park and improve connections between Ward Street, the Peabody Street Pocket Park and Salem’s Harbor Walk. North Shore CDC expects this building to be a model of sustainable development. The new building on the site will have an interesting, inviting, and inspired architectural design which will be noteworthy to Salem residents and visitors alike and add character to the Peabody Street skyline, visible from downtown Salem. The building will be five stories, with the ground floor including a community and lobby space. Nineteen (19) parking spaces will be located at grade under the building itself.

These two new developments will be incorporated into the Punto Urban Art Museum (PUAM) by having the facades of both buildings feature works by world renowned artists. Founded in 2017, the Punto Urban Arts Museum is a social justice public arts program which is an integral part of the neighborhood revitalization strategy the CDC is employing to break down the barriers between the immigrant community of the Point neighborhood and the rest of Salem. With more than 100 murals to date, the Point Urban Arts Museum is tapping into the tourist economy of Salem, helping local business thrive and fostering neighborhood pride and a feeling of belonging in the community.